Christian singles marry less than for non-believers

Apparently research shows (probably carried out by an expensive think-tank comprised of millennials) – that 25% of Millennials will never get married. Well anyone could have guessed that and I would argue that this is being brought about by design.

I mean the destruction of the family unit and the natural attachment and bond between parents and their children. But would you believe it if I said the marriage statistics for Christians appears to be startlingly low compared to would you believe (yes we would!) the secular world.

Men are increasingly not attending church..

Now I had to double take when I came across this research study co-funded by Single Christians confirms that the church is not attracting enough single men into its pews. The upshot they concluded – was that middle class Christian women – however attractive and successful must be prepared to go through their life without finding a partner who shares their Christian beliefs. I myself am not at all surprised by this – even though it was still a shock to see the stats.

Well I am a man and to be honest they could have called me and I would have told them not only this is the case – but more importantly why men do not attend church. Have they figured out why yet? I’m not sure they have – or will – and I’m not going to discuss it here except perhaps in brief and only touch upon it. For now – here is the graphic on the article that may shock you as it did me to see it actually mathematically displayed – even though it really wasn’t news and most people know in their hearts this is the case.

Modern church is like a flower arranging club. Men need an real challenge

The statistics above are the very reason 101ChristianNetworks started it’s social networking site and singles platform for Christians way back in 2000 (Fusion101 – originally a social network for all Christians single or otherwise, but now singles only for clarity. We have since developed a separate Christian social network) because we saw this back then – and could only see things getting worse. One of many reasons this is happening I will mention – and that is that the world has more temptations than ever – so to counter this churches are becoming more worldly, but ironically this is one main reasons men are leaving the church – because it’s weal and worldly and whilst the Bible is read – all the parts of strength are glossed over or not even talked about for well – well we all know why – political correctness for one, and fear of losing rear ends on seats (and therefore ££ in the coffers) for two! Here are some of the many single community groups we we serve.

This article is by 101ChristianNetworks regarding Christian singles statistics in the church and globally.