Protestant Christians make up at least 50% of the global Christian church worldwide. Protestantism is a major branch of Christianity that originated in the 16th-century with the Reformation, that began with Martin Luther. It was and still is to less or more degree a Christian movement that goes against what its adherents perceived to be errors in the Catholic Church.

In particular it began with a rebellion against the ‘sale of indulgences‘ and this was one of the main and many complaints. At first Luther wanted to ‘reform’ the Catholic Church but soon it became evident that this was not going to happen and it would eventually lead to a full-blown split in the church that Catholic leaders and popes have been trying to close ever since.

Protestant Christian Singles

So this inevitably – like all denominational splits this creates over time a need for Protestant singles groups and services that cater just to this group of Christians. It’s fair to say that since single Protestant Christians are so ubiquitous that perhaps they are not one of the smaller groups that get a raw deal when it comes to dating – but even Protestants can find it hard (as I myself will testify) to meet suitable Protestant partners that leads to marriage. has many thousands of single Protestants that are looking to connect with like-minded believers. If that’s you (and I’m guessing it is or you probably wouldn’t be on this page) then please give our service ago.  We are now a household name in Christian circles and have been established since the year 2000.