You are currently viewing Wedding of Robert & Sophia

“Dear Edward,

A wedding pic sent to us from Robert of his marriage to our site member ‘Loveday’ 🙂

a widower, I met Through 101 free Christian dating I met some lovely Christian ladies, but none of them hit the spot, until I met a terrified Loveday at a garden centre toward Cambridge. We both love Jesus. I’m a geriatric Anglican Lay Reader.

Loveday is a fantastic keyboard player. By all means use my testimonial and the pic too if you wish. Loveday through Fusion Christian singles, got married in March and have enjoyed every moment together.

Even a septuagenarian (person between 70 and 79 years old) can find happiness through your website. Thank you so much. If you want any further testimonial just let me know.

Warm regards, Jesus Reigns! Robert.”

Midlands, England – United Kingdom, U.K.