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“Hi Edward,

Helen and David sent us some wonderful wedding pics! We pray that God’s blessings on their marriage and many years of happiness!

as I promised, here are a few pics from our wedding on 30th October. You can a add a couple of them to 101 free Christian dating testimonials if you like.

Once again, online dating isn’t for everyone, but despite initial skepticism, myself and David have had a very positive experience from it!

I was fed up with dating, especially in the Christian world, and after taking some time out, I ready and willing to try something different and it seemed online dating was the next “big thing”! I initially found online dating overwhelming and felt it was hard to work out who was worth perusing or who you might like to meet up.

I was considering deleting my profile when I received an email from my now new husband! His message instantly caught my attention, and although it sounds unlikely, I honestly did feel excited and hopeful just by reading his profile!

101 free Christian dating was a great way to become introduced and after brief correspondence on fusion, we decided to meet up as there would have been no point wasting each other’s time emailing back an forth, only to eventually meet and find it wasn’t meant to be after all. He was different then I had imagined when we first met, however nerves had a big part to play in that too.

As we relaxed, the date went well and we decided to meet again, and again… lol. We just clicked, having a similar outlook on life and christian values, dating each other was easy and fun! Ten months later in March he popped the question and by the end of the year, 30th December we were married! So thank you fusion for providing a free CHRISTIAN dating service where like minded people can find their happy ever after 🙂

Best regards,
Helen and David

Hi there Helen,

Thank you Helena for taking the time to write that.. I need a bit of encouragement and that has provided it! 🙂 I will keep this in my testimonials folder for later, and will work on getting more wheat and less chaff on the site!

God bless you – Edward.

“Dear Edward,

Yup, we really did meet on fusion!!

I had had a fairly rough dating and personal life due to various circumstances and was was feeling rather vulnerable but yet oh so single after coming to terms with a break up 2 years previously, and had been praying for Gods guidance. Despite initial scepticism, I decided to try online dating as lots of friends had been talking about it.

I only been on the site a few weeks and got a fair amount of response but found it a bit overwhelming and hard to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak, so was considering deleting, when Dave sent me a message that stood out miles from the others for some reason.

I just instantly felt that I understood his personality and sense of humour from that first message, I properly laughed out loud at that message and got a sense of excitement! Dave later told me that he felt the same and just really wanted to meet me when he read my profile. We quickly agreed that the only way to properly suss a person out is to meet them face to face, so we wasted no time and met up a few days later for lunch.

Although I actually felt disappointed when we first met as he was different to how I imagined him to be! Lol. But once the nerves passed and conversation began to flow I couldn’t help but like him! In a nutshell, we got continued dating and just found that we really clicked and that doing life together was really easy and even doing mundane everyday stuff together was fun! We fell in love and got engaged 10 months after our first date! It literally was as easy as that.

The key to love is not romance, or looking your best or saying the right thing all the time, but when it’s about finding someone who complements and completes you and understands you. I have certainly found that in Dave and thank God who has brought me from the valley to the mountain top!

You can edit that down for your website. Here’s an engagement pic.”