You are currently viewing Thank you Edward – you are doing an amazingly fantastic job by handling 101ChristianDating ALONE!

Hi Edward,


I have never spoken to you on a personal basis. I joined 101ChristianDating a week back, and I think it’s a good decision I have made! πŸ™‚ I am actually liking the experience to be a part of 101 Christian singles and dating even though I was quite apprehensive in the beginning πŸ™‚


However, Edward I am having some trouble to send mails to some people. I am being shown this message whenever I try to send a mail. Whenever you are free, can you please look into the matter. My username is ———–

P.s. I think you should be very proud of yourself! πŸ™‚ You are doing an amazingly fantastic job by handling fusion ALONE!


Lots of love. May God bless you.

Sneha :)”


Kolkata,Β West Bengal, India.


Hi there…


Thanks for your encouraging email.. πŸ™‚


I think all your issue is that the spam filter has blocked you temporarily as you sent more than the allowed emails per day. Apologies – give it 12-24 hours and it should work.


Any problems let me know.


God bless