August Update…

Hi all – hope all is well with you in God and Jesus and this lockdown is not getting you down too much. Quick update is that I’m having to move out of my flat and rent it again as things quite tight here as I’m sure they are for many. Reason? Well unsure exactly – but google have decided to drop a lot of my website content pages over the last year or so (that feature the ads on which is where most of the revenue to keep fusion going comes from) – so perhaps as they are linked to ‘conservative’ sites like my 101ChristianMag / and other external sites.

I do know Christians and conservative’s generally have had their income from their content throttled all on the web by the large media giants to make it hard for them to survive and do what they do. It is also perhaps because Fusion may not be complying perfectly to the ever more hoops that a web-owner has to jump through to prove you are not a spammer or have nefarious intentions on the web. Keeping up with just this is a task for 1 person. So it will be back to doing odd jobs that eat up my fusion time and maybe I have to go back to full time – which whilst I have no problem with in itself (I had full time job from 1990 – 2005 before I started Fusion and doing both got too much (and I also had to help out my fathers business for a while) – full-time really not what I want as this makes running fusion too hard – and writing something to point kids to Jesus is going to be excruciatingly slow – but may be the only option – God’s will.

On the flip-side this all it coincides with my mother (who I’ll live with for a while till I can fix the issues above) is about a heart valve replacement AND bypass, so since my dad is getting on it will be where I want to be for a while. So I’m grateful I have generous parents with a home to fall back on – but it’s not great for a man to be back with his parents. That said – far worse things have happened at sea and God works mysterious ways so I hope I can be a help to them (mum will not be able to use her arms after the op to lift herself – so a fellows around will be useful while her ribs, which will have been cut top to bottom heal).

One of my ‘problems’ here is I have several projects I feel I must do sooner rather than later – that interfere time-wise with me running and improving fusion and fixing the revenue issues – I am trying and just completed a replacement beta site for fusion (yawn – you read that many times but I really have) one is to complete a series of illustrated stories with a view to helping kids see through the nonsense they are taught from the media and sadly in schools (or more specifically not told) these days about history and God – or his non-existence. This takes a lot of concentration, study and time and staying calm when other things are falling apart is not easy and feels rather like drowning sometimes.

I have discovered the biggest problem with writing (for me at least) is not sitting down to work – but interruptions and of course fusion is this way by it’s very nature:) This is why I now understand – that authors and musicians go and stay in hide-aways in the deep forests as train of thought can sometimes take a day or two to return once it has been broken. But also in contrast I recently learned that CSLewis (don’t think I consider myself anywhere near in his league!) would never allow himself to NOT be interrupted by family and friends as he (rightly) considered these relationships far more important than scribbles and musings on paper.

So it’s actually developing a . And I have to get on my knees and thank God – and remind myself about the reality here every day  as we all know in this part of the the world – the 1% as it’s often described – have been infinitely more blessed materially that those elsewhere, and therefore it’s incumbent up and everyone I guess that is able to not whinge and keep moving! Once the hand has been set to the plough

There is the constant temptation to plaster Fusion in requests for donations and make it a pay service but I have never felt the business of Christians finding suitable marriage partners should cost money (perhaps I’ve been foolish and I’m wrong there I have never been able to decide) – or never felt right asking others for their hard-earned money and so only made 2 notices in 20 years when fusion and my income and ability to keep it going was in dire situation. So I will not be doing that now!

Well as usual I have rambled and not said much but just a little about what’s happening here. Stay safe, do your own research and test and weigh everything you hear and see against scripture. Oh – and as an aisde – check out the many Bible audiobooks on Youtube – fantastic for familiarising oneself with scripture and inoculating oneself against the many false teachers we seem to have these days. God bless you – Ed.