2019 New Christian Singles Site Update!

Hi all! I hope you’re having a tremendous 2019! Just in case you think I have been slacking I have spent the last year writing and illustrating (with over 200 drawings) a children’s and adult’s book if you like things like Narnia you might like it – you can see it here >> Don’t be put off by the ‘Magic’ in the title as it contains no sorcery or witches or wizards or warlocks and is intended to point to the only real ‘magician’ or to be more precise – miracle worker who ever lived (we know who that is!).

Having got that done (it’s the first in a series) I’m back on 101ChristianSingles and have been working on getting the site working well and testing it with various test user accounts. I’m pretty pleased with it and am working out how best I can use it along side my free service (the new site will be a pay service (a very low fee) – free for existing Fusion101 users or anyone who can’t afford what will be a nominal fee to pay for the server/software I use etc).

The new Christian singles site won’t replace my classic free Christian dating site but will be a significant upgrade for those that want more features and photos etc and an all round more up to date experience. The reason I have had to take this step is because the old site is on a platform that is not easily manageable to develop – cost wise or practically. It also means I cannot stop the old service as it provides a small amount of revenue that keeps it and me going!

So I’ll have to run them along side each other perhaps until the new site generates enough for me to survive on. But the likelihood is the free site will remain active for the foreseeable future as the whole point is to help single Christians meet for as little cost as humanly as possible!

I will add an entry to this blog when it’s ready to roll which you can access by clicking ‘News’ links on any of the 101 sites. God bless you!