Who can see my profile?

Only signup up and logged in members! On many sites like Plenty of Fish and Facebook your profile is often visible to people who are searching google and not members of the site. In other words your profile and photo is made public. On 101 Christian Dating for Free your profile is NEVER visible to people who are outside the site and not members. We do not allow search engines to search and index your photos like Facebook etc. This would make it incredibly hard for you to remove that information or images and sometimes impossible.

Who can see my personal and account information?

Nobody except 101’s admins (in this case me – Edward:). I sometimes view personal information when I have been informed that a member may be suspect or needs to be checked. At other times members request I change passwords or other info so I need to view personal information.

Is my information passed to any third parties or companies other than 101ChristianNetworks?

No. We never collect and pass your information is never passed on or or sold to third parties for use in email campaigns or for any other reason. However our advertiser (Google Adsense) do collect data and this can be read about on our Terms here >>